Ease the track of OHS documents

Fulfill the operations such as the Clarification Text, OHS video demonstration, and Covid 19 survey, that you need to provide for the personnel who will work in your institution, with the Provimes Subcontractor Tool.

Subcontractor Management

View your subcontractor’s information on a single screen and manage your subcontractors smoothly. Your employees can define the work by entering the company name, work title, subject, start and due dates and by selecting the hazard class of the work, which is being assigned to the subcontractor.

The documents required from the subcontractor and documents' expiry dates are added to the work definition page, depending on the hazard class.

An e-mail can be sent to the subcontractor’s company officials to attach the documents related to the work and to define the personnel to be employed, through the work definition page.

Subcontractor company personnel can log in with their user name and password, view the work assigned to their company and add the required documents.

Documents are being added to the system by checking their expiry dates, and the company’s user is informed about adding the mandatory documents.

The company employee can define the personnel they will employ for this work and attach documents of relevant personnel.

The works done by the subcontractor company (adding documents, defining personnel, etc.) are checked by your employees. Provimes allows you to inform the subcontractor personnel via SMS, after all documents are approved.

A web link is provided in the SMS sent to the subcontractor’s personnel. By clicking this link, the Clarification Text is displayed, the OHS video is played, online training and exams are held, and they are asked to answer the Covid-19 questionnaire.

They can drop out of the process and continue from where they left off by clicking the link again.

A code that the subcontractor can use to enter and exit from your establishment, is sent when all the steps are completed.

These processes, which are described respectively for subcontracted personnel, are parametric. Unwanted options can be turned off manually.

With process definitions, it is possible to inform the users when the document expiry date approaches, to send reminders about the completion time of the work, and to inform the relevant users about the subcontracted personnel who have not completed their transactions yet on the work start date.

It is possible to define the types of documents requested from the subcontractor company and its personnel, documents' expiry dates, the work in which hazard class they are requested, and obligatory status.

Different online trainings can be defined for subcontracted personnel for different hazard classes.

Online trainings can be defined as periodic training if desired and are shown again to the subcontractor personnel who are still working in your establishment after the determined period.

Online exams can be associated with online trainings, and can be defined by determining questions, answer options and passing score.

The exam is automatically shown to the subcontracted personnel participating in the online training.

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